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Wrap Sheets | Universal Skins

Wrap Sheets | Universal Skins

1st Oct 2022

Over the years we have always had requests for skins for obscure devices, laptops, phones, Pc's & more. As we can not get every device to template or dimensions in all cases for a while i have though about offering universal skins / wrap sheets, this basically would just be a larger square sheet that could then be applied to a range of devices or objects, so long as you can apply the sheet and then trim the wrap. 

Ideally it would be easiest to use on laptops or Pc cases, basically things that are flat and would be easy to wrap and then trim the excess away.

It could also be used for car parts and other devices but would be harder to do and need to be used like wrap film how you wrap car parts etc. The wrap sheets could be printed in any colours, designs from our store and we could even offer custom wrap sheets so you could design your own square wrap sheet to then apply to anything you like if we don't offer skins for the device. 

Let us know what you think here

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